Electrical and Computer Engineering

Electrical and Computer Engineering Staff profile

Instructors on duty (At work )
S.N Full Nam Gmail Institutional email Specialization Rank Phone
1 Amanuel Abreha Dessta emaloveeye@gmail.com amanuelabreha@rayu.edt.et Communication Lecturer 0922320300
2 Abrha Teka Kahsay abrhatekaa@gmail.com abrhateka@rayu.edu.et Communication Lecturer 0932057708
3 Abrha Hiluf Berhe Abrhahiluf956@gamil.com abrhahiluf@rayu.edu.et Power Lecturer 0914426189
4 Tekle Hailekiros Asefa teklehaylekiros@gmail.com teklehaylekiros@rayu.edu.et Communication Lecturer 0985414846
5 Gebremedhn Gebregergs Gebremeskel dngebremedhn@gmail.com gebremedhngebregergs@rayu.edu.et Computer Lecturer 0915511706
6 Dr. Gebrekiros Gebreyesus Gebremariam kiros2004comp@gmail.com gebrekirosgebreyesus@rayu.edu.et Communication Ass. Professor 0947730207
7 Gebreanenia Tesfay Gebru gebreaneniaTesfay172@gmail.com Control Lecturer 0939214525
8 Abrha Ftsum Berhe abrha.ftsum324@gmail.com AbrhaFitsum@rayu.edu.et Power Lecturer 0914421174
9 Brhane Gebremedhn Hagos gmedhinbrhane615@gmail.com birhanegmedhin@rayu.edu.et Control Lecturer 0970859811
10 Tsehaye Redae Adhana tsehayeredae13@gmail.com tsehayeredae@rayu.edu.et Communication Lecturer 0910749716
11 Kiros Abay Badaas K0919075841@gmail.com Kirosabaye@rayu.edu.et Control Lecturer 0919075841
12 Zekarias Yaebyo Dmtsu yeabzaki11@gmail.com ZekariyasYebyo@rayu.edu.et Power Lecturer 0979007220
13 Aregay Abreha Welegergis aregayab21@gmail.com Aregayabrha@rayu.edu.et Control Lecturer 0939020330
14 Letebrhane Gebrehiwot Abreha letebrhan.g.hiwot@gmail.com letebrhangebrehiwot@rayu.edu.et Power Lecturer 0932041224
15 Asegedech Belay G/Egiabher belayasegedech@gmail.com asegedchbelay@rayu.edu.et Power Lecturer 0932064258
16 Abreha Assefa Kelali aberheassefa@gmail.com abrhaasefa@rayu.edu.et Communication Lecturer 0914864663
17 Tesfay Gebreamak Gebrehud tesfishgebramlak123@gmail.com tesfaygamlak@rayu.edu.et Control Lecturer 0967744979
18 Nigus Brhanu Berhe nigusbrhanu@gmail.com nigusbrhanu@rayu.edu.et Communication Lecturer 0924464144
19 Nebyat Tesfay nebiattes@gmail.com Control Lecturer 0918502511
20 Amday Dade  Tukye  ቱክየ amday2008@gmail.com amdaydade@rayu.edu.et Control Lecturer 0942027664
21 Genet Welekiros Zenebe Genetwelye23@gmail.com genetwelekiros@rayu.edu.et Computer Lecturer 0961064942
22 Gebrehiwot Bahre Seifu Gebrehiwetlove21@gmail.com Power Lecturer 0963554982
Instructors in education (not At work )
23 Eyasu Brhanu Abreha eyuhashenge@gmail.com eyasubrhanu@rayu.edu.et Power Lecturer 0911753855
24 Fseha Mebrahtu Gebru fseha m24fsaha@gmail.com fsahamebrahtu@rayu.edu.et Power Lecturer 0968680153
25 Getachew Nega Chekole getchne143@gmail.com gitachewnega@rayu.edu.et Power Lecturer 0919009492
26 Brho Misgun Hagos brehomesgun@rayu.edu.et Electrical Tech.  Assistance 0912418033
27 Lidya Yitbarek  Bezabh yeatlidiya65@gmail.com lidyayitebarek@rayu.edu.et Computer Ass. Lecturer 0915579990