Strategic Affairs Executive Officer

Well come to Raya University!

Raya University was established by the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (Council of Ministers Directive No. 650/2001 and Regulation No. 357/2008) as an autonomous higher education institution. Raya University is one of the Comprehensive Universities launched at a historically valuable town Maichew, which is located at the foot of Mount Tsibet.

Raya University is one among the newly established fourth generations Universities in Ethiopia located in the capital of southern zone of Tigray region Maichew town. Raya University’s motto “Knowledge for societal change” (እውቅት ለማህበራዊ ለውጥ!) and the vision to be one of the top three Comprehensive government universities best for quality education, community service and research in Ethiopia by the year 2023E.c extends to all level of the academic and administrative staffs including the top leaders.

Raya University Strategic Affaires Executive (SAE) was established under the president’s office with a mission of improving and Consulting on planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of the institution to achieve the university’s vision and mission in teaching and learning, research and technology transfer, and community engagement.



To enhance the socio-economic development of the country, Raya University is mandated to produce competent medium and highly qualified professionals who maintain the knowledge, skills and ethical values demanded to contribute to the improvement of societal livelihoods, conduct problem-solving research to benefit the community, release the outputs to the public and benefiting the people in the region and across the nation. Raya University needs to lead its direction and the whole process by planning, monitoring and evaluation so as to realize its mission and vision. Raya University has established Plan & Budget Preparation, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate (PMED) or newly known as Strategic Affaires Executive (SAE) to have strong and organized plan, resource mobilization, and monitoring and evaluation system.

Objectives of the Executive!

  •  Coordinating the preparation and elaboration of Midterm Plan, strategic plan and Annual Work Plan.
  • Ensuring the linkage between the strategic plan performance result and program budget.
  • Monitoring and evaluating program budget implementation on the basis of planned programs, projects and major activities.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the Executives’ and directorates’ Plan & performance reports.
  • Preparing and consolidating the monthly, quarterly and annual physical performance reports and Program budget Utilization and deliver on time.
  • Organizing and documenting the monthly, quarterly and annual plans and performance reports.
  • To provide advice to the top management on the strategies and results (thematic areas, strategic results, strategic objectives, strategic initiatives) of the University development.
  • To set medium and long-term plan of the institution’s development goals, objectives and strategies.
  • To plan and implement the Raya University’s development strategies.
  • To monitor the implementation of the institution’s projects and programs.
  • To evaluate the performance and impact of the University development plan.
  • Conduct integrated supportive supervisions to check the progress of project implementation, Plan Preparation, Report writings and Budget Utilizations providing on-site support where necessary.
  • Implementing Project management (Monitoring project activities towards efficient utilization of resources);
  • Conduct baseline, mid-term and end-term evaluations of projects/programs/strategies.
  • Data collection, analysis, preparing technical reports/publication and documentation.
  • Monitoring Resource mobilization and grant management.
  • Organize offices performance evaluation activities and ranking twice a year.
  • Develop best practices and expand to all colleges and directorates or Executives of the university.
  • Provide feedback for Colleges and Directorates or Executives on Plans and Reports.
  • Carry out biannual customer satisfaction survey.
  • Enhancing an integrated process of planning, programming, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Coordinate activities related to budget, funding and prepare related documents /reports.
  • Developing need assessment and identification on planning, monitoring and evaluation of the institution.
  • Plan & Budget Preparation, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate (PMED) or Strategic Affaires

Executive (SAE) has the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Planning both Strategic and annual plans (comprehensive plan, core plan, joint plan) of the Institution.
  • Plan to Planning.
  • Input gathering and design.
  • Conduct situational analysis. (SWOT and PESTEL analysis)
  • Defining themes, strategic results, goals/objectives, indicators, strategic initiatives
  • Analyze resource gap by source and program and costing the plan.
  • Conduct resource mapping.
  • Presenting for approval and finalization.
  • Develop detail action plan for the Implementation of the Institutional Plan.
  • Preparing project/program monitoring and evaluation log frame.
  • Conduct training, Preparing TOR and grant letters.
  • Prepare periodically University plan implementation Reports and Submit to the respective bodies and University Management Boards Quarterly
  • Revise the Annual work plan, Mid-term plan, Strategic plan and the Ten-year’s Master plan of the University time to time according to the current situation.

Generally, Strategic Affaires Executive has the roles to Consulting on planning & Budget, Monitoring and Evaluation of the institution.

HaileKiros Kebede

Strategic Affaires Executive Officer!
