Women and Social Affairs Inclusive Implementation Executive Officer

Sister Asefu Kiros

Woman’s and social affairs, inclusive implementation executive officer

Gender equity and equality are the basis for development.  Unless and otherwise, each and every  departments, institutions, colleges, schools and directorates do practically implement the participation of all (without any discrimination) in the university programs we cannot achieve the ultimate objectives of the university as well as the country.

To realize gender equality we need to follow the constitutionally recognized rights, gender policy of the region and the country. AS an  institution Raya  University  believes  that  insuring  gender equality  in each  and  every  activity  we enforce  is  must.

To Ensure gender equality is an important and globally accepted issue. Ethiopia, as a part of the global family has also signed different international protocols related to education, human rights of woman and girls and gender equality. Some of the protocols include, Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women focusing on promotion of gender equality on social and economic opportunities. AS an institution Raya University believes that insuring gender equality.

To prevent female students from unwonted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection by giving continues awareness creation trainings.

To empower economical poor and special need students by communicating different stack holders and the university. AS an institution Raya University believes that insuring the survivality and ability to graduate thus special need students is must.
